Tall with Long Arms

Q: I always struggle to find shirts with sleeves long enough. Can you help with that? A: Absolutely! We can lengthen the sleeves of your shirts through alterations. This involves adding extra fabric to ensure a comfortable and proper fit for your long arms. Q: What's the best way to measure the sleeve length for my shirts or jackets? A: To measure sleeve length, extend your arm straight out and measure from the center of the back of your neck to your wrist. This will give us an accurate measurement to tailor sleeves accordingly. Q: Can you alter the length...

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Long Torso Alterations Guide

1. Q: I have a long torso and my shirts always look too short. What alterations can be done to fix this? A: Lengthening the torso of a shirt involves adding fabric to the bottom. This can be done by sewing a matching fabric panel or extension to the hem, ensuring a more comfortable fit. 2. Q: My pants are always too short for my long legs. How can I alter them to the right length? A: Lengthening pants for someone with long legs can be achieved by adding a fabric hem or using a similar fabric to extend the...

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Tall & Slender Alterations Guide

: My pants are always too short. Can they be lengthened? A: Yes, pants can often be lengthened by letting out the hem or adding a fabric extension. However, the amount depends on the original hem allowance. Q: How can I ensure my sleeves are long enough on a jacket or shirt? A: Sleeves can be lengthened by adding fabric or adjusting the cuff. Make sure to choose jackets or shirts with longer sleeves initially, so there's enough material to work with. Q: My dress shirts always seem too baggy. Can they be slimmed down? A: Absolutely. Shirts can be...

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Tailoring Tall Curvy FAQ

Q: Can you alter pants to fit my tall frame without making them look too short? A: Yes, we can lengthen pants while maintaining the proportions, ensuring they complement your height without appearing too short. Q: How can I ensure my dress doesn't become too short after alterations for my curvy figure? A: We take extra care to maintain the length and silhouette of dresses during alterations. We consider your curves and make adjustments accordingly. Q: Can you alter blouses and shirts to accommodate a fuller bust without making them too loose elsewhere? A: Absolutely, we specialize in customizing the...

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